Hey, news from Barnaul! First of all, President Gibbons received word on Friday, that the First Presidency has approved the plan for a giant district for our mission, and by March, the entire mission will change into one big district, preparing it to become a stake! We are right on target towards a stake, and many wonderful things are happening.
Barnaul is south of Novosibirsk, and it is pretty cold. Don't worry, I haven't frozen solid...yet... It has gotten about -30 degrees in Celcius, which I don't know in Farenheit...except that it is cold. Really, it is fun to me being in a really cold place. It isn't uncomfortable to me, because I have such a warm coat, hat, scarf, and mittens! You need a scarf in Siberia. It is a must.
We took a bus for about 4 hours, and in the process I lost my nametag! AAHHH! The worst thing was that I lost my other nametag a few days before. It wasn't the best way to start a mission, but that's okay. I fortunately have the ones that I wore in the MTC, but just my last name isn't in Russian. Whatever, it's a nice finding technique.
Elder Ortner, my new companion, is an awesome missionary. He is very quiet, compared to me, but he is very sincere. You can tell he teaches by the Spirit, because you feel it. He is actually a convert to the church three years ago. He was born in Israel, but grew up in Florida. It is very interesting, because I have never really met someone from Israel. His testimony is strong, and he is so caring of other people. He makes sure that everyone is happy and that nothing is amiss. There is only one other companionship in Barnaul, and they are Elder Smith and Elder Petersen. They are a transfer younger than me, and Elder Ortner has served a year and a half, with half of it in Barnaul.
Sometime in February, there will be a senior couple, who are LEGEND in this mission. They have served five missions, three of them were in Barnaul. They are going to serve again! I believe their names are the Holmes, and the branch is really excited to see them again. Wow, to serve 5 missions.
Well, we have a LOT to do here, in Barnaul. First, we have an investigator who should shortly be baptized next month! Her name is Yulia, and she is a very sweet person. She recently got a job, and called us to make sure exactly how to pay tithing, which is really cool! I will keep you informed as the time draws closer.
We have also met with a lot of inactive members, with individual concerns. One such member has been a member for years, almost as long as the mission has been opened. He met with mission presidents in Moscow, and other prominent church leaders, and was even sealed in the temple. This goes to show you that you are never safe from inactivity. Everyone must check themselves every day to determine the status of their faith. Satan is always attacking us, and we can not afford to let up our guard. Fortunately, even if we fall, we can always get up, and start with a clean slate. That is the miracle of forgiveness of the Atonement.
The branch is awesome, here! The music director, Elena, is a professional piano player, and a classically trained vocalist. She plans what is known as a Salon, where people perform music, and read verses from famous writers...I hope to be able to perform something at this Salon, as the current theme is Opera. I have heard that is is a very effective tool to find people, and I can't wait to see it. The Branch President, President Klavakin, is amazing. He really understands his calling, and his purpose as a branch president. We have a branch Mission leader, Artur, who is amazing. His testimony is strong, and he knows what needs to happen for the branch to grow. The branch is really good, and even a branch member returned from a mission when I entered. His name is Denic, and he is really cool. There is a member, Makcim, who is preparing right now to serve a mission. Pretty much it is amazing to see the constant growth, and function of the church, as leaders work together, missionaries return home, and others prepare. The work of the Lord never stops for anything!
I hope to be a great influence here. I hope to be able to look at my mission experience, and not have any regrets. I want my service to be acceptable to the Lord, as this is His work, and we are merely the tools. "Can the axe boast in his strength?" We have no right to take claim on the success in our lives, because they are really because of our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and their love for us. Everything good in my life, I can tie to them. They are the direct sources of all good in this world.
We recently met with some people who had differing views about the gospel. They didn't believe that we lived with God before this life, that we will not have a body when we are resurrected, and that we don't need another testament of Christ. I have thought about this, and how the most simple of truths give me so much happiness. We lived with our Heavenly Father before this life! How wonderful is that knowledge that we talked with our Father, and He loved us, and we loved Him? How wonderful is it to know that we will be resurrected, having a body that will not suffer pain or affliction, being able to live with God again in perfect happiness? How wonderful is it that we have more words of Christ, that we can learn more about Him, learn more how to live closer to Him, and know better how to return to Him? They said that the Bible was enough, and that they weren't "hungry" anymore...Why not be more greedy for the word of God? I cannot fathom why it would be "enough" to just read one book. We have thousands of volumes of the words of prophets, though the Bible, Book of Mormon, the words of Prophets in this day, and why not rejoice for all of the words of Christ? That I think is the attitude we need to take to such truths. They are precious, and we should LIVE them!
It is difficult to see people not at once accept the gospel. I just think, "Here is knowledge that you are loved by a God who knows exactly what you are going through! He cries with you in times of trial, and he rejoices in your successes! He is there to comfort you and help you with all of your decisions in life. This knowledge helps you understand why things happen! Why won't you accept it?" We cannot force people to believe, but only invite. The most wonderful thing is that Heavenly Father is preparing people to receive the message. They might not receive it the first time, but there will always be another chance. He loves His children. That I know.
I know that this gospel is true, and that Christ lives. He suffered for us, so that we don not have to suffer eternally, but to rejoice eternally with Him and our loving Heavenly Father. I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father, and His son Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, that they are words of Christ. I know that we have the power and authority to perform the necessary ordinances in order to be saved. My family is eternal, and death is not even close to the end. This is true.
Elder Hoggan ( The Siberian Messenger)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
Transfer to Barnaul!
So...my next transfer...Barnaul! I will be a companion with an Elder Ortner, and the only thing I know about him is that he is of Jewish descent. I was so used to a district with about 10 missionaries, but our district in Barnaul is only four missionaries. It will be a different experience.
Elder Patton went to Finland for the first time, and so I spent the rest of my time with Elder Sperry. Elder Sperry is leaving on Wednesday...You still have to wait another year, Mom. So there wasn't a whole lot of interesting things that happened this week.
It has been progressively colder here in Russia, but I came prepared. I have this new scarf that is longer than I am tall. It is crocheted green and black, like Wicked! It is so warm, and it feels like wearing a neck brace every time I have worn it. Russia weather still hasn't got the best of me, which I attribute to living in South Weber for several years. What difference is there?..oh wait, it's Russia!
So what else is there to talk about? I hope to give you more invormation when I am in Barnaul...oh wait! There will be a senior couple in Barnaul soon that have served there three times, and they have served missions FIVE times! Wow, I hope that I could at least serve once as a senior couple, but the future will tell.
This transfer, I want to focus on becoming holy. In Leviticus 44:11, it says, "sanctify yourselves and you will be holy, for I am holy" So be holy is to become like Christ, which all of us want to be like. In order to become holy, one must sanctify oneself. To sanctify is to sacrifice. I don't mean an animal sacrifice, but all of us have things that don't really help us to progress, be it sleeping in (That is not my problem, thank goodness) or it may be being quick to find fault. What needs to be done is to sacrifice those things we hold onto that bring us down, and we cleanse ourselves, and we will then have the power of God on our side. It is hard, but it is possible, because He will make us holy. That is my commitment to myself and to all of you, to sanctify yourselves, sacrifice something, and become holy. Will you make yourselves holy? (audible "yes" I expect, even though I am on another continent) I promise you that if you make yourselves holy, then your life will be so much happier and the Spirit will testify to you that this is true.
Along with my striving to be holy, I am studying the logistics of the Book of Mormon. The stories are cool, such as Ammon cutting arms off, Nephi cutting heads off, and others cutting each other up. Then there of course are stories of forgiveness, faith, and the blessings of the gospel. I want to learn more of the secular history and geography of the Book of Mormon. It is really fascinating and makes the Book of Mormon more alive. I had no idea that the people of Nephi left the land to settle Zarahemla, and then Zeniff went back to obtain that land, then Noah came to be, then after many years Limhi meets king Mosiah, and they rejoice for their lost brethren. It is so complex and intriguing. I am going to become an expert of the Book of Mormon!
So I believe that there are many good things that are soon going to come to pass. Whenever something great is going to happen, that is when Satan comes in and the work is harder. Our transfers started with no investigators. Now we have six, and two have baptismal dates! Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. I know that to be true. I want to sacrifice even more, and I can't wait to see the great blessings that will happen because of it.
I love you all, and I pray for you by name.
Until in Barnaul,
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)
Elder Patton went to Finland for the first time, and so I spent the rest of my time with Elder Sperry. Elder Sperry is leaving on Wednesday...You still have to wait another year, Mom. So there wasn't a whole lot of interesting things that happened this week.
It has been progressively colder here in Russia, but I came prepared. I have this new scarf that is longer than I am tall. It is crocheted green and black, like Wicked! It is so warm, and it feels like wearing a neck brace every time I have worn it. Russia weather still hasn't got the best of me, which I attribute to living in South Weber for several years. What difference is there?..oh wait, it's Russia!
So what else is there to talk about? I hope to give you more invormation when I am in Barnaul...oh wait! There will be a senior couple in Barnaul soon that have served there three times, and they have served missions FIVE times! Wow, I hope that I could at least serve once as a senior couple, but the future will tell.
This transfer, I want to focus on becoming holy. In Leviticus 44:11, it says, "sanctify yourselves and you will be holy, for I am holy" So be holy is to become like Christ, which all of us want to be like. In order to become holy, one must sanctify oneself. To sanctify is to sacrifice. I don't mean an animal sacrifice, but all of us have things that don't really help us to progress, be it sleeping in (That is not my problem, thank goodness) or it may be being quick to find fault. What needs to be done is to sacrifice those things we hold onto that bring us down, and we cleanse ourselves, and we will then have the power of God on our side. It is hard, but it is possible, because He will make us holy. That is my commitment to myself and to all of you, to sanctify yourselves, sacrifice something, and become holy. Will you make yourselves holy? (audible "yes" I expect, even though I am on another continent) I promise you that if you make yourselves holy, then your life will be so much happier and the Spirit will testify to you that this is true.
Along with my striving to be holy, I am studying the logistics of the Book of Mormon. The stories are cool, such as Ammon cutting arms off, Nephi cutting heads off, and others cutting each other up. Then there of course are stories of forgiveness, faith, and the blessings of the gospel. I want to learn more of the secular history and geography of the Book of Mormon. It is really fascinating and makes the Book of Mormon more alive. I had no idea that the people of Nephi left the land to settle Zarahemla, and then Zeniff went back to obtain that land, then Noah came to be, then after many years Limhi meets king Mosiah, and they rejoice for their lost brethren. It is so complex and intriguing. I am going to become an expert of the Book of Mormon!
So I believe that there are many good things that are soon going to come to pass. Whenever something great is going to happen, that is when Satan comes in and the work is harder. Our transfers started with no investigators. Now we have six, and two have baptismal dates! Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. I know that to be true. I want to sacrifice even more, and I can't wait to see the great blessings that will happen because of it.
I love you all, and I pray for you by name.
Until in Barnaul,
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Heavenly Father is always there for you, because you are His.
Dear Family
I am sad to hear that Harold had passed away, but I am also glad because he is a faithful man, and we will all see him again. I was really grateful that he was there for my endowments, as that was a special time for me. Send my love, and know that my prayers are with you. I am also sad for Becky and Rusty. Please tell them that Elder Hoggan is thinking about them and praying for them.
You really see as a missionary situations that you cannot deny that there was a higher power behind it. Such as Tolia, one of our investigators, who you might remember. He was looking for some guidance in his life, and we were there at the exact moment he needed us.
Then this week, we have three new investigators. We only expected to have one new investigator, as we called a former investigator named Pavel, and planned to meet with him. He is working on a remodeling of an apartment, and we met in the apartment. Just picture in your mind, scraps of wallpaper everywhere, plain white walls, and we sat in our suits and ties on buckets...yep that's missionary work! We only thought we would meet with him, but he had a friend named...this is hard to type... Бахтияр, or Bach-tee-yar. He was actually interested as well. He is from Kazhakstan. (Oh yeah, mom, could you send me pictures of our house? Since they do remodels, they were really interested in our house. They really liked the picture. So maybe ones on the inside and the outside. I dunno, just snap some photos.) Then we went again, and another worker, Anatoli was there. While they would take breaks, Anatoli read the brochures we left, and he accepted a Book of Mormon. So we committed them to have formal lessons with us, and they accepted, and they even hope to come to church. I would never think of a miracle like that. We go for a meeting, and come out with 3 new investigators. They are really chill guys, and you might think it was awkward with us in nice suits and they were in work clothes, we were sitting on building supplies, but it wasn't awkward at all! It was very comfortable, and they are really nice.
What else happened? Oh, we are going to have a music night tomorrow, and that will be really fun. To advertise this event, we have announced in Church, English Club, and we even spent time outside singing and inviting. Bear in mind when we did this, it was the coldest day in the week...But it was awesome. We didn't just sing hymns, we sang Disney songs, and I even sang Defying Gravity. Some people tried to give us money for it, but we just gave them an invitation instead! Elder Patton will be playing a violin at the music night. He is really good, especially since the last time he played was about two years ago. That is something I have found as a missionary. All the talents you have ever accumulated, Heavenly Father saves them and intensifies them. You are pretty much a super hero with super talents. It's crazy.
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Butterfly Museum |
I will not know until Saturday my transfer, and the AP's have told everyone that they are going to be really strange, so be prepared...I don't know what that means, but I will keep you posted.
I have heard that you have been focusing as a family on reading the Book of Mormon. That is great! I have been reading it, and every day I am grateful for its counsel.
Really this has been a wonderful training. My companion, Elder Patton has done some amazing things. He is an amazing teacher, and I really have appreciated his support. This has been a really difficult two transfers, I am not going to lie to you. We started with literally no one to teach. Now we have 5 amazing investigators, some with baptismal dates, and things are really good. I really was worried that the area wouldn't be improved when I left, but I feel grateful that Heavenly Father has given me the blessings to be able to help where ever I serve. Remember, that Heavenly Father is always there for you, because you are His, and He loves you, and you are important to Him. He knows your weaknesses, and He gives you opportunities to grow and become better. If you trust Him, he will show you ways you never thought possible. He is there. I have no doubt.
I love you all!
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)P.S. For my birthday, could you send me all the good music you think would be allowed to listen to? Not mo-tab, but orchestral music, to listen to while studying, fun religious music, just whatever music you think is good to listen to. I trust Michael with the selection. Just send me a burned disk or two. That would be a lovely gift for my birthday...in two months, I will be 20...ух ты (ooch-tee) that is Russian, for like "Whoah", or "Wow"
Monday, January 9, 2012
Merry Christmas ...again!
Merry Christmas!...again...In the Russian culture, the 7th of January is Christmas. It might be weird, but then we know that Christ wasn't born on the 25th of December also. So we just both celebrate Christmas on the wrong day! Yay!
First of all, this has been the most interesting week I have ever experienced in my life.
One of our former investigators, Katya, we lost contact with her my 2nd transfer in Novosibirsk. We tried calling a few times just to see how she was doing, but no answer. Then I called one time, and she answered, and she wanted to meet! We met, and she told us how she believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that Joseph Smith restored the church, but she still had reservations about baptism. We committed her to pray to know if baptism was the right thing to do, bear in mind that the last time we met with her, she purposely did NOT want to pray that the Book of Mormon was true and did NOT want to pray that Joseph Smith was a prophet. We met with her later and she had completely changed, and she now is getting ready to be baptized. I don't know if I will see her get baptized, because I don't know what the transfers are going to be like. Really all of it was a miracle. If any of you returned-missionaries ever watched The District, our last lesson with Katya was worthy to be on that film. Maybe they will make a The District 4: Siberia. Whoa, hold your Shopkas.
Second, the contact, Tolia, who we met in the metro, he is such a sweet guy, and we finally met him. He told us about how he had a lot of problems in his life, and that he was praying to God for direction in his life. He asked God to send him someone to guide him down the right path. That was in the metro, and he immediately turned..and BOT! (Voht, which means, "Behold!" in Russian) we were there! So this just shows how God is constantly working in our lives. He is constantly guiding us and guiding His children, so that they can hear the message of the Gospel. He was ready to accept the gospel. It is cool.
Then since it was Russian Christmas, we spent the day at the Webbs. We played games, ate food, and we also carved soap! I know that sounds weird, but you find a lot of fun things to do as a missionary. I carved a rose, and it smells like strawberries!.
Then on Sunday, it was kinda sad since none of our investigators came to church. This is one of the hardest commitments to give as a missionary, maybe except the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. It is hard to ask people to travel over half an hour to come to church. One of the other Elders' investigators took a train for an hour to get to the church. That is crazy. That is the commitment that members should have about the church. There really shouldn't be any excuse to not go to church. Today, we went to this lady's apartment, and she has a studio to make things out of birch wood. A recent convert showed us, and I made this awesome belt buckle.
I love you all, and I pray for you.
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)
First of all, this has been the most interesting week I have ever experienced in my life.
One of our former investigators, Katya, we lost contact with her my 2nd transfer in Novosibirsk. We tried calling a few times just to see how she was doing, but no answer. Then I called one time, and she answered, and she wanted to meet! We met, and she told us how she believes the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that Joseph Smith restored the church, but she still had reservations about baptism. We committed her to pray to know if baptism was the right thing to do, bear in mind that the last time we met with her, she purposely did NOT want to pray that the Book of Mormon was true and did NOT want to pray that Joseph Smith was a prophet. We met with her later and she had completely changed, and she now is getting ready to be baptized. I don't know if I will see her get baptized, because I don't know what the transfers are going to be like. Really all of it was a miracle. If any of you returned-missionaries ever watched The District, our last lesson with Katya was worthy to be on that film. Maybe they will make a The District 4: Siberia. Whoa, hold your Shopkas.
Second, the contact, Tolia, who we met in the metro, he is such a sweet guy, and we finally met him. He told us about how he had a lot of problems in his life, and that he was praying to God for direction in his life. He asked God to send him someone to guide him down the right path. That was in the metro, and he immediately turned..and BOT! (Voht, which means, "Behold!" in Russian) we were there! So this just shows how God is constantly working in our lives. He is constantly guiding us and guiding His children, so that they can hear the message of the Gospel. He was ready to accept the gospel. It is cool.
Then since it was Russian Christmas, we spent the day at the Webbs. We played games, ate food, and we also carved soap! I know that sounds weird, but you find a lot of fun things to do as a missionary. I carved a rose, and it smells like strawberries!.
Then on Sunday, it was kinda sad since none of our investigators came to church. This is one of the hardest commitments to give as a missionary, maybe except the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. It is hard to ask people to travel over half an hour to come to church. One of the other Elders' investigators took a train for an hour to get to the church. That is crazy. That is the commitment that members should have about the church. There really shouldn't be any excuse to not go to church. Today, we went to this lady's apartment, and she has a studio to make things out of birch wood. A recent convert showed us, and I made this awesome belt buckle.
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Belt buckle |
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)
Monday, January 2, 2012
Find something you are lacking in, then become perfect in it.
So first, that little hardback book, it is a daily planner for Britton. It has his name written in Russian in the front cover. Here in Russia, it is a tradition for people to write in those journals, like yearbooks. You put in pictures or draw them, or you share a favorite memory. Most of the time we share testimonies. The joke about the Bolshoi theater was that the Russian word большой or bolshoi means "big", so it is the "big theater". Спутник or sputnik, means "satellite" So the big theater is called "Big Theater" and the satellite is called "Satellite". I was trying to say that they weren't very imaginative names. Sorry that it didn't make sense.
Сновым Годом! (snow-veem goh-dom) That means "Happy New Year!" in the sense. New Year's is a pretty big deal in Russia, and that is why we had a curfew of 4:00 New Year's Eve and New Year's Day... Nothing at all crazy happened. We did see a lot of fireworks, as much as on the 4th of July, outside. During our curfew, we cleaned out the deepest, darkest, most dirtiest corners of our apartment...what wonders we found in our search! No, there was nothing interesting. What was crazy was the days before.
First of all, Mom, I made a can nativity for the Mission President and his wife, and the senior couples liked it so much, they hired me to make ones for them. I bought two Coke cans, and Elder Patton and I drank the Cokes...they tasted of America...
Second, this week we decided to do a little Santa stopping by. We went to a family every day and we brought a box of chocolates and a nice card we made. We thought about families that we have tried to meet with, but with no success. We decided to stop by just to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and show how much we loved them. This turned out to be really successful. The most successful one was with one of our investigators and his family. His name is Vova, which I found out is a short-form for the name Vladimir. Short-form is like making Robert into Bob. So, we only met once with his family, and we tried calling afterwards and they wouldn't answer. We really wanted to meet with them again, so we went by with our gift. Here is the miracle. First of all, when you come to an apartment, you ring on the domaphone, and that is the only way you can get in. We rang them, and they didn't answer. Immediately, this woman exited the building, so the door was open, and we took this opportunity to get in. We came to their apartment. First of all, the first door you see, behind it is a little walkway with two doors on opposite sides. Both are apartments. So you have to open the first door to get to the other door. We rang the bell outside the first door, and the wife came out of their apartment, but didn't open the other door. This is common in Russia. She asked through the door who we were, and we told her. She had met us before. She didn't reply, and then we hear a door close. Feeling sad, we decide to leave the gift when a man comes out of the elevator. He lives in the apartment opposite of them, and he opens the first door! He asks what we want, and we tell him we wanted to give his neighbors (Vova and his family) a gift. He promptly opens their door, and the wife is there. Being so happy, we give her the gift and with her a Merry Christmas. Later that week, Vova calls us, sounding really happy, and he wanted us to come over sometime. We have tried so many times to meet with them, and this was the miracle we needed. I will fill in later what happened.
Then one day, while waiting at a metro stop, this guy in his 20s comes to us, asking who we were. We told him that we are missionaries, and that we have a free English Conversation Group, and he says, "Well, I believe in God'. So we begin talking about the gospel with him, and he is really excited. He actually wanted to know how the lessons we teach are set up. So we get his contact information, and we give him a church pamphlet with the address on it. He freaks out, and pulls out a piece of paper from his coat. His girlfriend had written down an address of a church, telling he should go to it. It was the exact same address as our branch building...This guy was so excited, and we were as well. We haven't met with him yet, because we just met him on Friday, but I will let you know.
So you wanted to know what a typical day of a missionary is...Well, we wake up at 6:30 and immediately get on our knees in prayer. Then we exercise for 30 minutes, and shower, eat breakfast, and get ready for the day. 8:00, we begin our studies. We have one hour of personal studying, where we study quietly the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. We study for our investigators and anything else, like I am reading the Old Testament, and I am about in Psalms 95. Then we have two hours of companionship study. Elder Patton and I like to start with a few hymns, and then we share what we study, finalize the plans for our day, plan the lessons we will teach, and also as a trainer, I have a training manual that has guidelines about how to train, and we follow those as well. Then after that, we have an hour of language study. We make flashcards, memorize scriptures, read from the Book of Mormon in Russian, and I personally like writing in my Language Study journal in cursive. It really helps. Then we eat lunch, and then we go out and work! We teach investigators, we contact people on the street, we meet with members, whatever is needed to help people to come unto Christ. Sometime before 6:00, we have dinner. Each day is different. And then about 9:00, we drag ourselves back to the apartment, and then plan for our next day. We write in our journals, get ready for bed, and then sleep. That is pretty much our day. It sounds monotonous, but every day brings surprises, as I have already shared.
The New Year is very special to the Russian people. It is a time to start over, and become better. It is cool to see that there are similarities between us and them. We both see this New Year as a time to start with a clean slate, and to improve ourselves. As it says in Thessalonians 3:11, (I hope that is the reference, I just found it this morning) find something you are lacking, and then become perfect in it. That is my commitment to you, and I expect all of you to say yes.
I love you all so much
Elder Hoggan (The Siberian Messenger)P.S. The Russian people have said that his has been one of the warmest winters they have had, so that is why I haven't frozen yet. Well, there is always next winter!
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